Posts about python
- What does "x = a + b" mean?
- Considering Python's Target Audience
- The Python Packaging Ecosystem
- What problem does it solve?
- Propose a talk for the PyCon Australia Education Seminar!
- 27 languages to improve your Python
- TCP echo client and server in Python 3.5
- Background tasks in Python 3.5
- Stop Supporting Python 2.6 (For Free)
- Abusing Contributors is not OK
- DTCA Public Consultation - Brisbane
- Running Kallithea on OpenShift
- Seven billion seconds per second
- The transition to multilingual programming
- Why Python 4.0 won't be like Python 3.0
- Some Suggestions for Teaching Python
- Change the Future - one small slice of PyCon US 2013
- Python Language Summit - PyCon US 2013
- PyCon India 2012
- Python's Future: A Global Perspective
- Volunteer developed free-threaded cross platform virtual machines?
- Some thoughts on else clauses in Python's loops
- Django's CBVs are not a mistake (but deprecating FBVs might be)
- An embarrassment of riches
- WalkDir 0.3 released (for more Python versions, thanks to Shining Panda!)
- New Year Python Meme - December 2011
- Help improve the Python 3.3 Standard Library...
- Correcting ignorance: learning a bit about Ruby blocks
- Spinning up the pulpdist project
- Mirror All The Things!
- Open Source, Windows and Teaching Python to New Developers
- Scripting languages and suitable complexity
- Of Python and Road Maps (or the lack thereof)
- Effective communication, brain hacking and diversity
- Sure it's surprising, but what's the alternative?
- Updated to do list for Python 3.3
- Musings on the culture of python-dev
- The benefits (and limitations) of PYC-only Python distribution
- Thoughts and Impressions following PyCon 2011
- Python Language Summit - Highlights
- Python Language Summit - Rough Notes
- Python VM Summit - Somewhat Coherent Thoughts
- Python VM Summit - Rough Notes
- What is a Python script?
- Status quo wins a stalemate
- Justifying Python language changes
- To Pycon and beyond...
- Some goals for Python 3.3
- Status quo wins a stalemate
- Justifying Python language changes
- Kubuntu dev packages to build Python
- Type-checking in Python
- Python Quirk